No one better?

Posted by Vivek ( on April 12, 2006 at 08:21:10:

In Reply to: So, who are they, Sarayu? posted by Josh Livingston on April 11, 2006 at 00:36:13:

I have one name - Anitha Guha. It's interesting how all the Medha Hari fanatics never give any credit to her guru, Anitha Guha. Medha Hari didn't just spring from the ashes a full formed "perfect" dancer. I'm assuming she received a lot of training and attention from her guru. All of the dances we see in the video clips were choreographed by Anitha Guha, right? Or, is Medha Hari going to take credit for that also? Don't you think it is utterly disrespectful for a guru not to be given any credit for her shishya's development?


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