
Posted by meena on May 10, 2007 at 00:13:48:

 In Reply to: meaning posted by kunjamma on May 08, 2007 at 03:39:48:


rUpamujUci = rUpamu + jUci (cUci) = seeing your beauty
valaci = with love
vaccitini = i approached
kOpamu sEturA = can you get displeased / get anger
svAmi = O lord
iNta = this much

tApatrayaharuDai = one who eliminates the three kinds of cares (problems)
velayu = residing
idEmi = what is this ?

muktAyi svara:
EvELanu (E + vELanu) = all the time
(E here means 'ella' = all)
nI = your
caritamulanu = glories
niNDAru = fullness
prEmatO = with love
sEviNci = worship
nIdu parAkramamulanE = only your valour / prowess
bAgumIragA = cheerfully
koniyADitini = i praised

mArakOTi = of thousand manmadhas
suNdara = beautiful
AkAra = one who has a form

first caraNa:
gAraDamu = trick/ cunningness
salupa = to perform
rAdu = do not

second caraNa:
suma = flower
Saramu = arrow
sumaSaramulacE = with flowers as arrows
mari = much
migula = in excess
nogili = to cause pain (or nogiliNcu)
valapu = affection
nilupuTa = to stop / interrupt/ restrain
tagunA = is it proper
taruNamu + idi + rA = it is time now

third caraNa:
sAraganu = frequently
nIdu = your
caraNAlayamE = feet as temple /abode
mAnasamuna + uNcitiga = i kept in my mind
sarasuDA = a good natured person
ghanataramagu = greatness in honour
velayu = one who resides
cAlamika = cAlamu + ika = delay now
valadu valadu = dont
brOcuTakarudA = brOcuTaku + arudA = is it rare to protect?

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