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'A Duology' - Communiqué of love
- Dr. Uma Anantani
Photos courtesy: J.J. Mehta

February 16, 2024

Since time immemorial, parents' aspirations and greed have remained a driving force, either for their children's success or, majorly, utter failure. The scenario has not altered; in fact, the complex human and social conditions have worsened the situation leading to disasters. Unable to handle small failures, parents nurture their children in the atmosphere of undue pressure of competition, jealousy, hatred etc. The stress rises out of proportion and children turn to dangerous and destructive alternatives like wrong company, alcohol, drugs, self-torture, violence and in extreme cases, suicide. The need of the hour is a helping hand filled with love and compassion.

It is this sensitive issue that was brought out in a twin theatrical dance production, 'Khoj' and 'The Wall', presented by students and faculty of JG college of Performing Arts, (Gujarat University) Ahmedabad and conceptualized, written and directed by the Vice Principal of the college, Bijoy Anand Shivram. Premiered in the beautiful ambiance of Natrani, Ahmedabad on February 9, 2024, 'A Duology' has derived its inspiration from the director's own personal experiences as a performer and a mentor.

Khoj- Love for Life

A stressed-out and mentally unstable youth regains his lost confidence and zeal for life by exercising and practicing various simple dance movements, and by following the musical rhythm, he gets to recognise the beauty of the rhythm of life in the company of dancers who have lovingly extended their friendly hands towards him. 'Khoj- Love for Life' highlights a small attempt where one can induce positivity in self through love, compassion and creative pursuit.

Man is the most beautiful creation of the universe. However, he has made this planet ugly by drawing lines and boundaries, creating walls, obstacles and divides to satisfy false ego. In the second piece, 'The Wall- Blind Love', it is the love for dance and beauty of rhythm which brings down the barrier of wall between the two lovely, unknown souls who are united to create the universe full of love and hope.

The Wall- Blind Love

Musically rich and melodious, diverse compositions scored fairly well against the vachikabhinaya in both the productions, and gave justice to Bharatanatyam and Kathak dance styles respectively. The first piece also made use of Kuchipudi devices as metaphors for mental balance and confidence but was little callow. As the dancers of both the pieces were energetic and vibrant, and music meaningful, the resulting message was very well received among the young audience.

Dr. Uma Anantani
Dr. Uma Anantani is the director of Rasadhwani, Ahmedabad.

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