Posted by Uttara Asha Coorlawala ( on September 01, 2005 at 11:10:55:

 I am appalled at the nasty tone of the writer casting aspersions on my integrity and transforming my intentions. [See, Reviews, “Rewriting Dance
History” August 7, 2005]

Is Shani implying that the dates presented in my lecture have been fabricated? Fact: All the photos shown and reviews were published in various magazines and
papers of the time. Anyone can verify them.

There was no “sub-agenda” to demolish another artist. The point of my lecture was to present a chronology of my artistic career. And I thank Sunil Kothari for
arranging it.

I took great pains to point out that I have the greatest respect and admiration for Chandra’s work, that I adore the woman as a friend and mentor. We took different
and independent paths that intersected with similar concerns.

I maintain my claim that I had been presenting a combination of yoga, Bharatanatyam and modern dance techniques in public performances since the 70s. Yes,
young dancers can not know how dance was so well attended in the days before traffic jams and TV. My point is that at a time, when every one kept saying East is
East and West is West, I was playing (within art frames) in traditional techniques. Something must have resonated (and I recall how it would astonish and scare me)
when my performances were sold out, and tickets were scalped. However I reiterate that to claim my own contribution is not to belittle some one else’s.

Drop the crab mentality Shani, and move out of cheap and easy sensationalism. For years you have been doing the same thing…