Re: dance arangetrrams

Posted by Megha on November 22, 2007 at 12:37:11:

 In Reply to: dance arangetrrams posted by sudha raghuram on November 21, 2007 at 13:23:55:

 Namaste, I don't know the answer to your question but just want to add some thoughts.

If you let parents decide the fees or do not take money, it does not mean that they are going to be uninterfering and let you present what ever you think is best for their children. So it may be better to quote a fee in return for your service.

They are going to have their thoughts on each item and I strongly recommend, you invite them and show all the pieces long before you take to stage. My parents have watched tons of other arangetrams and want to get the maximum bang for the money they are spending and some how make their arangetram the best in the world. The student wants to know why we should not do a theme based arangetram like say - Nava rasa arangetram. The parents tell me that they prefer longer length items where the child is challenged more, with more jathis etc. and comment on how one dance looks the same like another and the steps are same and not lively etc. etc. These are well meaning parents but form a lay audience and are being honest. Old time Gurus will simply take offence and refuse to teach these folks. But most of the crowd thinks like them. So there is no point ignoring all this talk.

Not taking money, charging less etc. does not stop people from talking... Might as well take it and use your creativity to deliver the goods.

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