The chicago dance conference

Posted by Arul Francis ( on November 22, 2006 at 20:27:47:

Anita Ratnam writes:
"many of us missed hearing the words of seminal culturalist Kapila Vatsyayan. She remains, perhaps, one of the very few cultural workers whose mind assimilates the many kinds of Indian-ness. All the missing strands of the conference - the worlds of philosophy, architecture, ethics, musicology, painting and history would have coalesced in her speech. "

My my my - what respectful genuflecting-on-one-knee slavishly reverential words from someone who always rails against "purists" and "old gurus" and "old faces". So this is the true face of the "rebel".

I have listened to Vatsayayan's vacuous shallow cliches on TV and do not feel that it has anything of insight or merit to offer. Of course, it is rooted in Brahminism - perhaps that's why the likes of Ms. Ratnam find it so soothing and flattering to the ear.


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