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King Jayapida (9th c AD) married twice and one of his wives was Kamala, a comely dancing girl whom he had met when he was once traveling in disguise. In the first half of the 10th century, another king of Kashmir, Chakravarman, also married a dancing girl Hamsi, after being enchanted by a performance of hers and he made her his principal queen.
(‘Traditions of Indian classical dance,’ Mohan Khokar, chapter ‘Down the centuries’)

The 1978 Asian Dance Festival-Hawaii, organized by the American Dance Guild and Conference on Research in Dance, marked both my first Chhau performance in America and the first introduction of Chhau to the U.S.A. I also performed a Manipur Raas as well as the Mayurbhanj Chhau Nataraj.  The expansive use of the whole body as the expressive medium, even though interpreting an Indian theme, seemed so close to modern dance that a fine American dance scholar conversant with Bharatanatyam refused to believe it was authentic as she had never seen Chhau before even in India. I was extremely lucky that two senior dance scholars, Mohan Khokar and Sunil Kothari, were both there and fully assured that what I presented was indeed a traditional form and that I was performing properly.
(‘The aerobics in Chhau dance’ by Sharon Lowen, The Asian Age, Feb 21, 2017)

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