Kalidas Samman, Shikar Samman, Tansen Samman are Iqbal Samman are some of the awards presented in the field of arts and culture by the Government of Madhya Pradesh at the national level. The government has also constituted various literary and cultural committees and these prestigious efforts have been successful next only to Delhi in the conduct of cultural functions.
The 5 day Natyanjali Festival, an offering to the cosmic dancer Lord Nataraja, takes place at the Nataraja Temple in Chidambaram. It is organised by the Natyanjali Trust of Chidambaram and commences with Maha Sivaratri celebrations. Lord Nataraja is said to have performed his 'Ananda Tandava' at the Golden Hall or kanaka sabhai of this temple. The festival is held within the temple premises and in the open. Built on 40 acres of land, the huge temple is one of the biggest in India and the 108 karanas sculpted on the pillars are not to be missed. A special all night pooja is performed during Sivaratri. Chidambaram is 235km from Chennai and takes about 5 to 6 hours journey.
Kathak dancer Sitara Devi who took to Kathak at the age of 7 under the tutelage of her father Sukhdev Maharaj, was described as the "Kathak Queen" by guru Rabindranath Tagore at the age of 16. Four generations of her family have devoted their lives for the sake of helping Kathak attain prestige in society.

Snippets - Monthwise listing